Saturday, April 18, 2009

CrossFire - Registrations Open

Persuade; Persevere; A Convincing battle


  1. Open
  2. Click on Apply for Membership
  3. In the email id entry, enter your BITS email id. (As this event is exclusively for BITSians, entries without a BITS email id won’t be accepted)
  4. Login to the site with your username and password.
  5. Go to “Crossfire” in Categories and start debating by posting your Arguments for the topics mentioned there. Rebuttals/Comments also have prizes.
  6. While posting an Argument, mention your name “For” or “Against” and the topic in the “Topic” section of the post. For example if your name is Rahul Kothari enter “Rahul_For_Topic1
  7. You can also Vote for the Arguments you like.


  1. There is no entry fee of any sort for the event.
  2. Only students/faculty from BITS-Pilani (Pilani and Goa campuses both) are allowed to participate.
  3. Three topics will be released one after another with a gap of 2 days.
  4. Each topic will have Arguments (for & against, to be mentioned in the “Topic” section of the post).
  5. Each argument will be open to rebuttals/comments and Votes.
  1. Arguments:
      1. Once the topic is released, Arguments for the same will be invited for a time limit of 36 hours.
      2. While posting an Argument, mention “Your name”_ “For” or “Against”_ and the topic in the “Topic” section of the post. For example if your name is Rahul Kothari enter “Rahul_For_Topic1
      3. For this period, every participant can post their Arguments in the prescribed format, but it won’t be visible on the site for a period of 36 hours.
      4. After 36 hours of the release of the topic, the posting of “Arguments” for the same will not be allowed, and all the Arguments posted till then will be displayed on the site.
  1. Comments/Rebuttals:
      1. Comments/Rebuttals for the Arguments for all the topics will be open till the end of the event.
      2. One can comment or rebut by clicking on the “Comment” button at the end of the page.
  1. Vote:
  1. Anyone can Vote for any argument by giving a rating of 1-2-3-4-5 to the argument (option available at the end of the argument page), AFTER LOGGING into the site
  1. No abusive entry or foul language would be entertained.
  2. Prizes will be given for best Arguments and best Comments/Rebuttals.
  3. Winners for best Arguments will be decided on the basis of the Votes, views and comments on the argument.
  4. Winners for best Comments/Rebuttals will be decided by Editors at depending upon the originality and uniqueness of the comment/rebuttal and how the contestant manages to pull it of.
  5. The decision of the Editorial panel will be final and binding.
  6. Prizes will be in form of Cash, gift vouchers, and a fixed term paid assignment with

Convincing is an art.

Mahatma Gandhi, Hitler, Bin-Laden, Steve Jobs and many others had mastered at it with their own flavor & style.

We want to see yours. Maintain the decor, and show how persuasive & how manipulative you can get.

Show the world (literally through Internet),

How You can Convince and control !!

*Note : Event Begins on Sunday (19/04/09)

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